- Gaming & Gadgets |Crazy, playful, fun and handicraftHome » Modder builds gaming PC in Star Trek designUndsonstso modder builds gaming PC in Star Trek design By Lilia Last updated August 10, 2022 Share The modding scene regularly features somewhat wacky designs, and so this example can also be described as exceptional: The modder Mangy_Dog has now on YouTube presented its Star Trek-style gaming PC.The good piece is equipped with a special performance monitor, which, among other things, is reminiscent of the design of the panels in spaceships within the Star Trek universe.The modder has christened his work "The Mainframe Compute Observator".The result is impressive.The components A Lian Li O11 Dynamic Mini case was used as the case.The modder has opted for an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card as the dedicated GPU and the AMD Ryzen 5900 X comes into play as the processor.The housing screen is a 5 inch TFT display that is addressed by a modified Arduino graphics driver.Values such as the temperature of the processor, performance, fan speed and other hardware information are displayed on the additional housing screen when it is switched on.Image: YouTube/Mangy_Dog 3D printing made easy Since the housing could be downloaded as a free template in 3D, fitting and mounting the additional display was not a problem.Mangy_Dog states that he got the idea while looking at a tricorder.The design is very successful and is actually reminiscent of equipment from the Star Trek universe at first glance.A really great thing, especially for Trekkis.Share Facebook Twitter Google+ ReddIt WhatsApp Pinterest Email Lilia 225 Posts 0 Comments Lilia has actually not been in the gaming world that long - she only got started in 2018 with the game Spore.Since then she has been particularly interested in indie games.She prefers to gamble on the Nintendo Switch next to a large bowl of Chili Cheese Nuggets.Previous post Fall Guys meets Sonic The Hedgehoge: Everything about the upcoming event Next post Playstation 5: One function will soon no longer be available You might also like More from the author Real Life Gaming Hotel: First gaming festival in Lucerne starts today Lifestyle Whataburger presents the Whataburger with fries made of mini building blocks And so on Sony: New revision of the Playstation 5 has hit the Australian market... 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